CITA has experimental farms that represent the main agro-ecosystems and agriculture and livestock sector activities in Aragon.
La Garcipollera Farm
“La Garcipollera” farm is located in Bescós de la Garcipollera (Huesca). It studies mountain agriculture and livestock farming in the conditions of the central Spanish Pyrenees. It has around 14 ha of meadows and thousands of hectares of forest and alpine pastures, as well as multiple livestock facilities. The farm has 200 beef cattle and 300 sheep. It also includes experimental plots of mountain fruit trees.

Soto Lezcano Farm
The “Soto Lezcano” farm, located near the CITA facilities, on the banks of the Gállego river, has approximately 110 ha of irrigated crops. The farm is equipped with facilities that provide pressure for localised irrigation and a service area. The farm also has an experimental sheep flock of around 700.

“El Vedado bajo del horno” Farm
The “El Vedado Bajo del Horno” Estate is located in the municipality of Zuera (Zaragoza). It has agricultural and livestock facilities, as well as a total farm area of 322 ha. Here, agricultural and livestock trials are carried out under semi-arid rainfed conditions.

- Mountain
La Garcipollera Farm
“La Garcipollera” farm is located in Bescós de la Garcipollera (Huesca). It studies mountain agriculture and livestock farming in the conditions of the central Spanish Pyrenees. It has around 14 ha of meadows and thousands of hectares of forest and alpine pastures, as well as multiple livestock facilities. The farm has 200 beef cattle and 300 sheep. It also includes experimental plots of mountain fruit trees.
More information- Irrigation
Soto Lezcano Farm
The “Soto Lezcano” farm, located near the CITA facilities, on the banks of the Gállego river, has approximately 110 ha of irrigated crops. The farm is equipped with facilities that provide pressure for localised irrigation and a service area. The farm also has an experimental sheep flock of around 700.
- Dry Farming
“El Vedado bajo del horno” Farm
The “El Vedado Bajo del Horno” Estate is located in the municipality of Zuera (Zaragoza). It has agricultural and livestock facilities, as well as a total farm area of 322 ha. Here, agricultural and livestock trials are carried out under semi-arid rainfed conditions.